Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Flower Wednesday

I have only done one flower this week, but have worked a lot on my Red Hot Garden quilt.
Here is the picture of my flower for this week.
I am working hard to finish my small grandmothers flower garden quilt. It will be about 18" top to bottom. I have 3 rows sewn together and I am working on sewing the rest of the flowers into rows.
 Here is a picture of the quilt so far.

I am working on basting the outer hexagons to fill in the top border. So I am moving right along. I can get a lot done while waiting in line to drop off and pick up my daughter. Every 10 minutes adds up.


My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Lots of pretty flowers today!

Karen said...

You are moving right along Sarah! Looking lovely!


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