Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

It has been a couple of hectic weeks, but I am finally back on a schedule. I have finished 4 flowers in the last week, that brings the count to 10 flowers finished but not put on the garden. I am going to have to find a middle ground of finishing flowers and sewing them on the quilt. I also wanted to thank everyone for the comments on my posts. It is very inspirational to read them and keeps me plugging along on this project. I am so happy I joined the One Flower Wednesday group. A big thank you to Karen for organizing this group.

Now to the picture. I tried a new technique on taking my pictures, which failed horribly. The picture is fuzzy, but you can see the flowers okay. I think my favorites are the orange butterflies, and the zig zag stripe. They are probably some of my overall favorites so far. I will be going on a road trip this weekend, so hopefully I will have a new picture of the garden with several flowers added next week. Until next week, have a great Memorial weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Checking in for my One Flower Wednesday posting. I have finished three flowers. If I keep at this rate, I might be done in 7 years instead of 12 years, lol. Nothing has changed on the completed flower garden piece this week.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Finally my camera works and I can post my first One Flower Wednesday progress report, yeah! This is a picture of two weeks of work on my flower garden. Since wednesday is probably my busiest day of the week, I work a little on Tuesday and Wednesday night when I am ready for bed. I am hoping to start posting regular weekly posts on Thursday morning.

This next photo is of my progress so far of my flower garden put together. You can see I am adding the yellow flower on the bottom right next. I pin a few flowers in and take a picture to see what looks best together. Since I am not waiting to arrange them on a design wall, It is the best way to make sure that I don't put two colors or fabrics next to each other. I am trying to make this a charm quilt with each flower different, but with 500 flowers it might not work. I only have about 470 more flowers to go.

This is the next set of fabrics I need to cut into squares for my flowers. After I cut these I think I will be pretty close to my 500 different fabrics for my flowers. Lots of cutting ahead too.
Well that is it for the check in today. I started a new class last week that uses the most unusual fabric I have ever seen, aka ugly. I will try to post some pics of my finished blocks in the next few days.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My 1st Quilt Shop Bus Tour

I am sorry I haven't checked in lately. I have been very busy the last week. I went on my very first Quilt Shop bus Tour. It was 5 states, 3 days and 10 shops. What fun I had. We took a group shot at Material Girls in Nebraska. What a wonderful store. Here is the group pic
I will for sure go on another bus tour. I am thinking of one in the fall to Denver, one of my favorite cities. All the girls from Harpers ( local quilt store) have agreed to meet in 4 months to show the projects that they have finished with the fabric they bought. I am in trouble because the only fabric I bought was for a binding. I only have the top done, so I better get to quilting. Enough chatting, Now back to the grind.


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